dr Marta Derlacz-Wawrowska
Can shops operate on 12 November 2018?
already in force, employment
The President of Poland signed a law establishing 12 November 2018 a public holiday. It has only a few articles and deals with an individual case, and yet it gives rise to a discussion as whether 12 November 2018 is covered by trade restrictions. Despite an opposite position of the National Labour Inspectorate and the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy, it seems that shops may be opened if retail staff is employed on the basis of civil law contracts, works in shifts or there are other exceptions to the work ban on non-working days as specified in Art. 151[10] of the Labour Code.

Whistleblowing and protection of confidential information
competition, employment
Protection of confidential information is not absolute and is subject to limitations, for instance where there is a public interest. Subject to certain conditions, a person who has a nondisclosure obligation may lawfully use the entrusted information despite the confidentiality obligation. At the moment there is no all-embracing regulation on this issue, but this may change soon.

Is an unpaid ban on competition after termination of a service agreement binding?
There is no legal regulation guaranteeing even minimal compensation for refraining from competitive activity after working under a non-employment contract, but such a ban may be found to be contrary to public policy.

The group company benefitting from the results of an employee’s work—not the corporate group as a whole—is the employer
employment, Supreme Court
To charge an employer with paying social insurance contributions on the income of its employees earned under non-employment contracts with a third party, it is not enough to determine that the effects of the work benefit the employer’s overall corporate group.