Convertible loans: A practical look
Convertible loans are still a relatively rare debt financing instrument in Polish practice, but have recently gained popularity among startups and in venture capital. In essence, a convertible loan involves granting a loan that may be repaid by converting the debt into equity in the borrower. But depending on the expectations, circumstances and identified risks, the loan provisions can differ widely, with flexibility to modify the positions of the parties. This means it is worth paying attention to a number of financial and legal parameters, including obvious ones that can affect the feasibility of the undertaking.

Poland’s insurance and banking industries issue credit protection insurance guidelines
In May 2024, the Polish Chamber of Insurance and the Polish Bank Association jointly issued Good Practice Guidelines on Credit Protection Insurance, with oversight of the financial regulator. The guidelines address a number of key issues, from creation of CPI products, to marketing, distribution, and monitoring of compliance.

Towards a Polish roadmap for sustainable finance
Sustainable finance is an approach that links financial issues with care for the environment, society, and corporate ethics. In Poland, the development of sustainable finance will continue to be handled by the Sustainable Finance Platform.

KNF’s new Recommendation U includes guidance for bancassurance and insurance distribution channels
On 26 June 2023, the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (KNF) adopted the new Recommendation U on good bancassurance practices, which will replace the previous Recommendation U of June 2014.

The situation of the secured creditor after taking title to pledged shares
When a creditor enforces its registered pledge by taking title to pledged shares, it’s just the start. To effectively take control of the company and satisfy its claim by selling the shares or assets, the creditor must take a series of legal and factual steps. It’s not always easy.

Sustainability-linked loans: Update of LMA, APLMA and LSTA principles
In our previous article we discussed the recent amendments to the Green Loan Principles and Social Loan Principles, and accompanying guidance. Today, we will focus on the Sustainability-Linked Loan Principles. Here, the amendments are more extensive.

Green loans and social loans: An update of LMA, APLMA and LSTA principles
For a loan to be classified as “green,” “social,” or “sustainability-linked,” it must meet certain criteria described in the principles jointly developed by the LMA (Loan Market Association), APLMA (Asia Pacific Loan Market Association) and LSTA (Loan Syndications and Trading Association). The principles are not binding law, but voluntary recommendations allowing all market participants to clearly understand the essential features of such loans. The principles were amended in February 2023.

Claim for a guarantee of payment for construction works: Practical problems
A request for a payment guarantee may appear on an investor’s desk suddenly, causing numerous complications. Sometimes, contractors make such a demand to have an excuse to withdraw from the contract. Then a race against the clock begins, not to give them that excuse. But in advance, the investor can also arrange a commercial solution to the problem, i.e. a bank guarantee facility in the loan agreement.

Does the bank have to re-audit the development venture when a buyer makes a late payment?
Effective as of 1 July 2022, the new Developers Act expands the scope of bank oversight of development ventures before paying out to the developer the funds due for a given phase of the project. But the regulations are imprecise, and it is unclear whether the bank must redo the audit when the buyer has made a late payment of funds into an open housing escrow account.

Pledge on investment participation units in a fund
Sometimes, in financing transactions, for various reasons related to the structure of the particular transaction and the commercial arrangements of the parties, atypical assets are offered as collateral for receivables of the financing party. In such situations, the parties need to think about how to select legal instruments to implement commercial collateral arrangements. Investment participation units in a fund are an interesting asset due to the specific statutory regulations.

Receivables as asset and opportunity
Receivables as an asset are present everywhere in the business world. This is an asset which could be a problem for some, but at the same time an investment opportunity for others. The aim of this article is to consider how healthy and performing receivables could be used to obtain financing from investors and to discuss how non-performing claims serve as an investment in Poland.

Change of information obligations of banks in the new Developers Act
The new Developers Act substantially modifies the rights and obligations of banks in connection with real estate developments. The new regulations significantly increase the scope of rights and obligations of banks, which will entail a greater expenditure of time and effort on their side. Thus the new rules may increase the cost of banks’ participation in the execution of residential developments.