Łukasz Koziński
Reduced costs for company registrations
There has been a noticeable trend recently toward lowering various administrative burdens on businesses in Poland—as witnessed, for example, by the recent changes in the costs of company registrations.

Finding a company quickly for purposes of a transaction
corporate, M&A
During a transaction it may suddenly appear that a special-purpose company is needed immediately. A solution could be to buy a shelf company with all the necessary registrations already in place.

Identification requirements for corporate letterhead
The Commercial Companies Code requires companies to identify themselves in commercial dealings by providing specific information about the company. Failure to do so may have serious consequences for the individuals responsible.

Company must be notified of acquisition of shares
The transaction of acquiring shares in a limited-liability company typically ends upon signing of the share sale agreement, but the acquirer’s duties do not end there.

Errors most often caused by carelessness or simple routine
Łukasz Koziński of the Corporate Law practice group at Wardyński & Partners reviews the rules for conducting annual shareholder meetings.

One-stop shop doesn't deliver the goods
Łukasz Koziński and Bartłomiej Wyjatek from the Corporate Law practice group at Wardyński & Partners discuss why the “one-stop shop” approach to business registrations has not achieved the expected savings in time.