Maciej A. Szewczyk
Ukraine: Legal consequences a year after Russia’s full-scale attack
international law
It has been over 450 days since the outbreak of a full-scale war in the very heart of Europe. As the courageous defence by the Ukrainian nation continues and the fate of war is yet to be decided on the battlefield, the legal implications of the conflict and the prospects ahead also draw public attention.

Binding instructions for conduct of the company’s affairs under the new Holding Law
corporate, new provisions
Until now, corporate officers have had to act solely in the best interests of their own company, which has made the operation of corporate groups difficult. As of October 2022, it will be possible to issue binding instructions to subsidiaries affiliated with formalised corporate groups. What must such an instruction contain, can the execution of such an instruction be refused, and what if the company suffers a loss as a result of execution of binding instructions?

Due diligence in game development: A guide to preparation and survival
corporate, M&A, gaming
With the growing popularity of video games, the game development industry is booming on a global scale. The outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic only accelerated this process. The unwavering demand for video games is generating an increase in interest in investing in entities involved in production and distribution of games.

Legal consequences of a “hard Brexit”
international law
It will soon be 10 months since the United Kingdom withdrew from the European Union. Although Brexit has formally already occurred, the real-life consequences are barely noticeable. But the transition period in force since the beginning of February 2020 is inexorably coming to an end, and it appears less and less likely that before it expires at the end of 2020 the parties will manage to reach an agreement governing the future relations between the UK and the EU.

M&A and corporate law following a “hard Brexit”
international law, corporate, M&A
It is looking increasingly likely that an agreement governing relations between the UK and the EU after 31 December 2020 will not be reached in time. This could cause some legal turbulence.

M&A transactions in the face of the coronavirus
coronavirus, M&A
M&A deals are one of the tools for pursuing business. For some they are a method for expanding their scale of operations or generating synergies, and for others allow them to exit investments or raise capital. Thus the turbulence now felt by businesses is impacting their activity in the M&A market.

Websites of private joint-stock company or joint-stock limited partnership
new technologies, corporate, M&A
Does a company or limited partnership have to have its own website? Does it have to operate the site itself? What information must be posted there? Practical pointers under the amended Commercial Companies Code

The internationalisation of transactional agreements and borrowings from the common law
corporate, M&A
Along with the systemic transformation from the 1980s to 1990s and the inflow of foreign investment into Poland, the country was exposed to forms of contract already applied in international trade. It wasn’t that before then the law in Poland had been homogeneous and “truly Polish.” Historically, numerous factors contributed to the development of the Polish legal system, with a dominant role played by solutions from the German and French systems.

Resolutions of shareholders of a limited-liability company
already in force, corporate, M&A
When is it necessary to hold a shareholders’ meeting, and when can it be dispensed with? Comments under the amended provisions of the Commercial Companies Code

Legal actions of a “false” corporate body can be saved. But all of them?
new provisions, corporate, M&A
On 1 March 2019, an important amendment to the Civil Code comes into force, providing for the possibility of validating actions by a “false” corporate body. Up to now, such a possibility has applied only to actions by a “false” attorney-in-fact.

Powers, duties and liability of directors of a Polish LLC
corporate, M&A
Foreign managers appointed to serve on boards of Polish subsidiaries often do not know what they can do and what they must do. Consequently they are not aware of what liability goes with either of these. They should be.

Can new regulations limit the possibility of resigning from a company’s management board?
corporate, project, M&A
A bill currently being processed by the Sejm significantly limits the right of a management board member to resign from office at any time.