New Private International Law
The new Private International Law went into force in Poland on 16 May 2011, replacing the old law from 1965.
New Greenhouse Gas Emissions Allowance Trading Scheme Act
The Polish Parliament has adopted a new act governing the functioning of the scheme for trading in greenhouse gas emissions allowances.
How long before generic drugs can be marketed?
Generics are substitutes for an original drug. May they be marketed as soon as the 10-year regulatory protection period for the original (innovative) drug ends?
What may a fund do as a shareholder of a public company?
Statutory restrictions on participation of open investment funds in joint-stock companies should be interpreted narrowly. Restrictions on voting rights do not limit the exercise of other share rights.
Will businesses flee Poland?
The European Commission wants to cut greenhouse gas emissions by up to 95% by 2050. What effect could that have on the Polish economy, in which about 90% of electricity comes from high-emission sources?
A preparation is now a mixture
The Act on Chemical Substances and Mixtures (Dz.U. 2011 No. 63 item 322), adopted by the Polish Parliament in February, went into effect on 8 April 2011. There are numerous changes, but they are not revolutionary.
Damages for unlawful nationalisation may be sought through the courts
The Polish Supreme Court has upheld the possibility of seeking damages through the courts for nationalised property…
Company must be notified of acquisition of shares
The transaction of acquiring shares in a limited-liability company typically ends upon signing of the share sale agreement, but the acquirer’s duties do not end there.
New rules for exclusion of bidders for public contracts
The Act dated 25 February 2011 amending the Public Procurement Law awaits signing into law by the President of Poland. The act will introduce new grounds for mandatory exclusion of a bidder from a public procurement procedure.
Council gives green light to proceed with development of uniform patent
Even though the European Court of Justice recently issued a negative opinion on the notion of a treaty that would establish a European and Community Patent Court…
Protection for renowned trademark Botox
Sąd (dawniej Sąd Pierwszej Instancji) utrzymał w mocy decyzje unieważniające prawa do znaków towarowych BOTOLIST i BOTOCYL ze względu na uznanie, że ich rejestracja narusza prawo do renomowanego znaku towarowego BOTOX.
New cookie regulations
Zgoda na instalację cookies – domyślna, świadoma czy wymagana każdorazowo? Zmiana dyrektywy o e-prywatności może przysporzyć sporo kłopotu polskiemu ustawodawcy.