Changes in employment law in 2013
The most important changes this year are an increase in the minimum wage and elimination of certain notifications to the National Labour Inspectorate and the National Sanitary Inspectorate.

VAT on sale of developed real estate
The tax consequences of sale of land in Poland depend on how the structures on the land are classified.

What is the involvement of employees in cross-border mergers?
In a cross-border merger, the employees must have an opportunity to participate in the merger procedure and in the governance of the new company—typically by having an influence on the composition of the supervisory board.

When buying bearer shares, be sure to check the validity of the share certificate
Before buying bearer shares, it is important to check the validity of the share certificate. Under Commercial Companies Code Art. 328, a share certificate lacking the necessary data, the company seal, or the signature of the management board is invalid.

What's new in litigation law?
The New Year often brings with it numerous changes in regulations, including changes affecting specific judicial or administrative procedures, with an impact on how litigation is conducted. What’s new in this area in 2013?

2013 brings further changes in laws governing the capital market
A number of changes in two key laws governing the capital market—the Investment Funds Act and the Public Offerings Act—will go into effect in 2013.

VAT on the sale of commercial premises
Whether VAT is charged on the sale of commercial premises depends on whether, and when, the initial occupancy of the space occurred within the meaning of the VAT Act.

Change of shareholders in a limited-liability company
What document constitutes grounds for entry in the commercial register of sale of at least 10% of the shares in a limited-liability company? A legal adviser analyses a resolution on this issue by the Supreme Court of Poland.

In some situations, a contract may be performed only in part
Strony, zawierając umowę, najczęściej zakładają, że zostanie ona wykonana w całości. Czy jednak w przypadku gdy jedna ze stron zaoferuje jedynie część świadczenia przewidzianego w umowie, to druga strona ma obowiązek je przyjąć?

No two faces are quite the same
An industrial design, which protects the external appearance of a product, may not be the same as a trademark, which designates the origin of goods. Thus there may be a conflict between the registration rights to a design and a trademark.

Reprivatisation of real estate in Poland
It is still possible to regain property expropriated by the state after the Second World War, and in some cases compensation is awarded instead.

Seeking damages under the Warsaw Decree
Even though it has been nearly 70 years since Warsaw properties were nationalised, some former owners or their legal successors may still seek return of their property or at least damages. But damages do not include lost benefits.